BUSINESS opportunities ONLINE

Let me introduce myself  ;)  image
My name is Ania and It is my pleasure to invite you to 
DREAM lifestyle OPPORTUNITIES BUILDER which I present on this website of mine.

I have always loved travelling, exploring new places, meeting new faces.
Already as few year old I loved to go on family exursions, later on on summer camps
- especially by the seaside which I love the most ...
My previous and even present occupation is within TOURISM.
I studies English Philology to be able to teach English beause it is used worldwidein TOURISM

Along the timespan my desire for travelling was getting stronger and stronger
so I took my chances to be flight attendant and so I was enjoying 13 magic TRAVEL-FILLED years with one Eurpean airline.
Well, all is well that ends well and every end is a beginning of something new and more exciting.

I have decided to try my chances in business online also within TRAVEL and HOLIDAYS branch
and despite challenging times of 2020 (we all know what that meant) I am totally in love with
3 companies I am proud to represent and both of them offer me what my ex-airline couldn't and wouldn't
so therefore I am inviting you all to TRY new OPPORTUNITIES in BUSINESS ONLINE
or even if you only are willing to be HAPPIER HOLIDAYERs ENJOYING more HOLIDAYING for LESS
and I mean it !
The three DREAM-HOLIDAY Companies I cooperate with - offer budget-friendly deals for all wallets for families, for groups of friends, for couples, even for singles (as I believe that 'single' does not mean ''alone'') and besides most of the time and occassions TRAVELLERS and HOLIDAYERS stick together ;)
REGARDLESS whether you prefer to HOLIDAY on LANDs or on SEAs and OCEANs
you may really love the ideas pretty much ;)
I love them all and since I believe that I don't have to choose which one is better
- for me BOTH are great to BENEFIT from - that's why I promote both,
 Each is UNIQUE in its services where I am enjoying and getting generously rewarded for cooperation and spend less on my RELAXing stays or RETREATs or BUSINESS on-duty STAYs  


My other passion is applying POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY in practice - to make my human experience here on Earth a vaulable and worth living truly fully and unregretably!
It is a fact that whether you were born in poor or rich family - at some point of time
YOU have the POWER to change your LIFE for BETTER, for the one you TRULY DESIRE to LIVE
IT is in your POWER to DECIDE how you WANT to FEEL throughout your entire day
all you have to do - is to FOCUS yourTHINKING on WHAT you WANT !
I am truly fascinated by MENTORS like BOB PROCTOR, and few others I love to get inspired from and apply their teachings effectively to upgrade standards of my material, mental and spiritual living
and so
it will be my biggest pleasure to UNITE with others who have similar GOALS in life like me.

So I will be sharing with you PERSONAL and BUBSINESS OPPORTUNITIES thank to which I am totally in love with the lifestyle I am developing since I have joined those projects.


is under constant development so you may get suprised
when you will be visiting it that some changes will have taken place ;)
some additional PASSIVE INCOME SOURCE offering SERVICES have been added

This website is filled with PROJECTS which I consider worth DEVELOPING for dream future plans
and I love it that way ;)

well ...
HAVE a LOOK around
IF you think that what I initially promote here is within your INTEREST as only a client
or mabye
in the future even BUSINESS PARTNER in any of the PROJECTS I am engaged here

then you are in right WEBSITE in right place and right time ;)

and I hope to get in touch with you without any time to waste ;)

limitless & unstoppable
Conscious Wealth Creator
Ania :*

Are you a FREQUENT  travel services  USER ? would you love to be one?  image
The Swiss company FIRE FLIES existing on the market sine 2007 
and steadily expanding round the globe 
frequently travel PRIVATELY for PLEASURE or in BUSINESS ON DUTY.

You can REGISTER costfree and BROWSE all the SPECTRUM of OFFERs
I attach here the JOINING LINK
which you will have to confirm in EMAIL you will receive from FFL 

Company has so far over 5.000.000 hotels worldwide in 185 countries and keeps expanding. 
their PRiVATE BOOKING PLATFORM allows for making RESERVATIONs with costs much smaller 
since they have their OWN SEARCH ENGINEs which cuts the costs up tilll 50% mostly on ACCOMMODATION services includig HOTELS, VILLAS or APARTMENTs and ROUNDTRIPS where ACCOMODATIONis included

Fire Flies  offers PRODUCT which is different kinds of VOUCHERs (no VAT applied here) 
which last between 1 year up to 3 years (depending (in  VOUCHER PACKAGEs for 1100 and 2200) 
iN VOUCHER PACKAGEs from 3300euros on wards
Best Price Option VOUCHER is valid for 3 years in all packages
Premium Voucher worth 240 euros - is valid for 1 year in packages for 1100 & 2200 euros
however in PACKAGEs worth 3300 euros and upwards - such voucher is valid for 2 years 

As a client YOU need at least 1 TRAVEL VOUCHER worth 50euros to be able to BOOK any service on the BOOKING PLATFORM.
Some services demand the use of TRAVEL VOUCHERs and some don't.
In your account you will find a SHOPPING CART where you choose the best options for your ECONOMY and COMFORT 

One of their UNIQUE SERVICES is  ''EAT for STAY'' -  a separate SEARCH ENGINE in their BOOKING PLATFORM where CLIENTs pay only HALF-BOARD and ACCOMMODATION costs are in the meal price. there are more UNIQUE SERVICES that FIRE FLIES offers for its clients which are explained in more detail below 

COMPANY offers  🌟VOUCHER PACKAGES🌟 ranging in price from 1,100 - 26,600 euros 
IT is more beneficial to buy PACKAGE of VOUCHERs as they always have EXTRA VOLUME in vouchers 
for example:
 🌟VOUCHER PACKAGE which costs 1100 includes 20 x 50 euro +  2 x 240 euro  worth VOUCHERs
that makes altogether 1480Euro - you gain 380 euro EXTRA in VOUCHERs VOLUME 
 *administrative fee of 45euros applies separately 

 🌟VOUCHER PACKAGE which costs 2200 includes 40 x 50 euro +  4 x 240 euro  worth VOUCHERs
that makes altogether 2960 Euro - you gain 760 euro EXTRA in VOUCHERs VOLUME 
plus UNIQUE OFFER (your tailored holidays)
 *administrative fee applies separately

 🌟VOUCHER PACKAGE which costs 3300 includes 60 x 50 euro +  6 x 240 euro worth VOUCHERs
that makes altogether  4440 euros - you gain 1140 euro EXTRA in VOUCHERs VOLUME 
THIS PACKAGEs from 3300euros and upwards additionally GIVE CHANCE to be PAID BACK itself 
(*1250 or 2500euros within first 90 days in AFFILIATE MANNER) 
 *administrative fee applies separately

🌟VOUCHER PACKAGE which costs 4400 includes 80 x 50 euro +  8 x 240 euro worth VOUCHERs
that makes altogether 5920 euros - you gain 1520 euros EXTRA in VOUCHERs VOLUME
(itis double multplication of the package for 2200 euros) 
*administrative fee applies separately 

🌟VOUCHER PACKAGE which costs 5500 includes 100 x 50 euro +  10 x 240 euro worth VOUCHERs
that makes altogether  7400 euros - you gain 1900 euros EXTRA in VOUCHERs VOLUME
(itis double multplication of the package for 2200 euros) 
*administrative fee applies separately 

​You can easily calculate ​how much you GAIN in VOUCHERs by multiplying package for 1100euros 

EVERY  VOUCHER PACKAGE starting from 1100euro and UPWARDS includes 
a GIFT from company alllowing to use 🎁TAILORED HOLIDAYs🎁 called UNIQUE OFFER,
 where client notifies company (there is a special form to fill in) one month in advance and gives directives regarding their wished stay. 
Company then on client's request tailores 3 offers to choose, 
Client has then 72 hours (after receiving the offers) to notify company which version (if any) he or she DECIDED for. 

🎁EAT for STAY VOUCHER - which gives ACCESS for 2 years 
where clients pay only for HB (breakfast and another 3 course meal) 
while ACCOMODATION is OFF COST (max up fir 6 nights for 2 persons on one reservation) 
🎁VIP PASS - which allows dfor 12 month access to BOOKING hotelstays up to 2 weeks
 where clients n their 1st day of their hotel stay RECEIVE between 40-60% REFUNDATION in VOUCHERs worth 240euros 
which can be used on BOOKINGs for ACCOMMODATION services on the BOOKING PLATFORM. 

Fire Flies offers also  ⚡️AFFILIATE BUSINESS PACKAGES⚡️ ranging from 21.000  to 26.000 euros 

ALL the prices are available to check on the website after logging in to your account 

Should you wish to know more - contact me for more information  :) 
I will include YOUTUBE VIDEOs shortly 
I. Enjoy holiday stay with so little to pay with   image
There is a way - to enjoy your travels and holiday stay and SKIP to PAY - TOTALLY LEGALLY :)

This webpage is run by independent MWR LIFE ELITE AMBASSADOR Anna Kaczmarczyk and it is dedicated to:
HOLIDAYERs, TRAVEL-loving souls GLOBETROTTERS who love travelling and holidaying for WHOLESALE PRICES
on complimentary GUEST MEMBERSHIP with up to 40% less on HOTEL booking costs
(initially - since company offers a very attractive program of reducing travel costs even to 00,00$)
and even up to 80% (initially) on PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS
(difference is based on comparison to most corporate-operating agencies online which add unneccessary hidden costs likeADs campaigns, etc...)


- for those who would like to cooperate with this TRAVEL COMPANY ONLINE having the comfort and luxury to work from any place in the world, to EARN generous COMMISSIONs as well as to DEVELOP extra PASSIVE INCOME SOURCE
- by simply inviting others to this TRAVELLER-WALLET-FRIENDLY booking platform on premium memberships

Feel most welcome to visit landing pages 
- if you WANT to COOPERATE company's AFFILIATE  
- for clients who wish to choose fee FREE GUEST membership option  
- for clients who decide to choose PREMIUM membership options.



- YOUTubeVIDEO presentation for YOU as our GUEST or PREMIUM Member
(to be updated)

MWR LIFE i TRAVEL ADVANTAGE rezerwacyjna platforma turystyczna - prezentacja dla KLIENTA
(do dodania )

I - This is ONE of 3 GREAT holiday & travel BOOKING PLATFORM I have tried so far imageI - This is ONE of 3 GREAT holiday & travel BOOKING PLATFORM I have tried so far imageI - This is ONE of 3 GREAT holiday & travel BOOKING PLATFORM I have tried so far image
TRAVEL ADVANTAGE - is a travel booking platform with 4 different memberships to choose from. GUEST MEMBERSHIP - with access to bookings on HOTELS up to 40% less on hotel booking costs; MEMBERSHIP: VIP, PRO and ELITE with up to 80% less on booking costs, attractive loyalty holiday programs and opportunity to earn passive income.
operating in 139 countries (and still growing) and has its offices in 4 countries worldwide.

TRAVEL ADVANTAGE booking PLATFORM - is allowing its GUEST MEMBERS to use travel platform on HOTEL bookings up to 40% less on costs (initially) while gathering travel credits for every booking made - this system allows travellers to further minimise booking costs even to 00,00$ inviting friends family and associates - makes it even more achievable !
I am on ELITE business track and I am totally in love with it !!!

TRAVEL ADVANTAGE - is approved by ETOA (with SUPPORT service 24/7)

Those of you who would like to try the FIRST OPTION of
FREE membership on GUEST account, with amazing savings program on future bookings,
treat yourselves with ACCOUNT ACTIVATION in the link provided below:
👇FREE GUEST membership: 👇- CLICK on the link
- watch 1min video clip (provided in the link), and if you like idea
- SIGN UP /REGISTER - providing your email and setting your own password
- Find confirming email sent by company (which may land in SPAM)
- Log in with your email and password THIS TIME to:

- ONCE you LOGGED IN - you can ENJOY the platform for HOTEL and HOSTEL bookings

for UPGRADE process - should you have any questions regarding PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP options
- do not hesitate to contact me ;)

For PREMiUM MEMBERS we offer 3 other OPTIONS as VIP, PRO or ELITE mebership accessible at: 

should you have any queries regaring PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP options - do not hasitate to contact me
My role in here - as your HOLIDAY ambassador - is to explain more and (if needed) help you with registration as our client 
and also support you in this adventorous journey as our business partner ;)

Be my guest ;)

For those of you who love or dream about VOYAGE CRUISE HOLIDAYS on the seas and oceans
IMAGINE - that you spend one or two or even few week stay in a hotel floating on international waters
with all amenities in one place while spending each day somewhere else ...
It is a perfect combination for those who like to have relax with some sightseeing options :)
If you belong to this group of people


feel more than welcome to join this BUDGET-FRIENDLY opportunity
to HOLIDAY more for less, with CO-FINANCING for loyal active members
and for BUSINESS PARTNERS - even costfree ! :D
our CRUISE PRICES - fit everybody's wallet :)
co-financing with 25% - till 50% less on booking costs for loyal members

why would you take loans or credits for your dream holiday
if you can get co-financing in this club ?
(while bank would only add you expences for taking a loan)

- get registered to:👉

where you can have a look what kinds of CRUISES we offer
and if you like the idea
- you can start getting cofinancing for your VOYAGE cruise HOLDAYS as our happy holidayer :)
and/or you can
- start cooperating with us - as our business partner while being a client (but not neccessarily)

for business purposes or any other questions - get in touch with me :)
​contact details can be found on 

May you enjoy your HOLIDAY-lifestyle :)

I'm more than happy to hear that you are joining us TODAY :)


II - DREAM CRUISE VOYAGES all over the globe for a fraction of a cost  imageII - DREAM CRUISE VOYAGES all over the globe for a fraction of a cost  imageII - DREAM CRUISE VOYAGES all over the globe for a fraction of a cost  image  
- OFFERS is CRUISE booking platform - which I LOVE - but here you will find more equally wallet-friendly attractions of VOYAGE HOLIDAying such as CRUISES on seas DREAM holidays are even closer to be fulfilled than you imagine ! Exploring, enjoying and experiencing dventures every day on different piece of land by day while enjoying sunsets on the sea or ocean as well as attraftive and motivating to action Earning generous commisions possibilities and business opportunities are inviting more and more HOLIDAY loving SOULS into this club !

II. PRESENTS  * in-stays *   imageII. PRESENTS  * in-stays *   image

Since 1st April 2022 IN-stays have been added to the BOOKING PLATFORM
in thought of those who prefer STATIONARY form of RELAXING with HOLIDAYING

Sign up for 
- which will allow you to browse
the booking platform and find best holiday destination
becoming an ACTIVE MEMBER
- company offers 25% till 50% of COfinancing for its loyal members

How does membership cofinancing program work ?
- Reach out to me
and we can discuss matters on a video call on ZOOM or on GOOGLE MEET
my contact details are in the SIGN UP link mentioned above.

I wish you a lifefull of holidays, explorations, plenty adventures and
countless unforgettable memories :)

YouTube video trailer: 

🤗FEEL most WELCOMEd to join the world's most powerful life transformation platform 🤗

Gaia is a mission-driven community that empowers the global evolution of consciousness. Our ad-free streaming videos help people explore the limits of our human potential, connect to ourselves, each other, and the universe in new ways, and challenge assumptions that keep us from growing.

Learn from the world’s leading experts in spiritual growth, personal development & healing. Access 8,000+ inspirational documentaries, interviews, immersive workshops and live events, yoga and meditation classes, plus, step-by-step guided programs.

Explore A Variety of Topics
Gaia offers thousands of videos on topics that you'll never find in the mainstream media. Organized for your discovery and exploration.

Original Series
Gaia produces dozens of exclusive, original series on topics you won’t find in the mainstream media—the nature of the universe, ancient wisdom, the unexplained, alternative healing, and more.

Award-Winning Documentaries and Films
Gaia’s library of thousands of critically acclaimed documentaries, inspirational films, and thought-provoking shorts available anytime, anywhere.

Yoga and Meditation Classes
Hundreds of yoga and meditation classes to gain flexibility, energy, and better sleep taught by expert teachers. For every level, beginner to advanced.

Plans start as low as $13.99 USD a month plus applicable taxes. 
Monthly and Annual plans also include a 7-day trial for new users before being charged. 
You can cancel your subscription at any time.

You can cancel your membership anytime through your My Account section. Once your membership is canceled, we will no longer process any charges and you will continue to have access to Gaia’s content until the end of your paid membership (or free trial, if applicable).

With your payment, GAIA is able to produce, edit and share thought-provoking original series and films with a wide range of scholars, scientists, shamans and mystics. We are able to pay our bills without selling your information or including ads in our experience.

You can watch Gaia’s content any time from or any internet-connected device that offers the Gaia app, including smartphones, tablets, and smart TVs. You can also download your favorite videos for offline viewing with our iOS and Android apps.

Within your membership fee you can: 
✅  Stream more than 8,000 videos, including many inspiring films, illuminating documentaries, and original series exclusive to Gaia. 
✅ Learn, build or establish a practice of your own with our powerful yoga classes and guided meditations. 
✅ Use mobile apps to download videos for when you're on the go. 
✅ Create up to 3 user profiles so everyone can have their own playlists and personalized recommendations, with no limit on how many profiles can watch at the same time. 
✅ Finally, for that special video a friend just HAS to see, members can share a link granting temporary access to many of our full-length videos for free! 

with FOREVER LIVING - you have WELLNESS in your life image
 Noone will take a batter care of you if you dn't do it yourself !
FOREVER LIVING - is one of the BEST WELLNESS companies I have ever encountered !
Its products helped me to balance and lower my weight with my thyroid disfunction

IT has 60 days price guarantee and you can give back even opened products if they do not match your needs

Feel most welcome to VISIT and REGISTER to the VRTUAL SHOP operative in 164 countries worldwide
and it also offers HOME-based BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY with attractive earnings program 

Should you need any assistance - do not hesitate to reach out to me ;)

SYNCTUITION - is a program with mobile application designed to regain inner peace of mind.
It is SUBSCRIPTION operating PROJECT and you join it by SIGNING UP of a referred link of somoene hwo already is a member. I have this program for a LIFETIME ACCESS and of course I am inviting
everyone who is affected and / or suffers from ''high speed living'' and needs to calm down and regain inner peace.
There is a week of TRIAL usage off cosT so that you can decide if it is something that you will like
for a longer persiofd of time.
There is also interesting BLOG where you mayfind a lot of interesting articles regarding
MINDFULLNESS and POWER of human MIND.  I really love it and I'm sure you will love it too ;) 

FEEL more than WELCOME to SIGN UP in the link provided 

your limitless & unstoppable
Ania  :* 

III  POSITIVE MINDSET COACHING - personal & business skills growth opportunities  imageIII  POSITIVE MINDSET COACHING - personal & business skills growth opportunities  imageIII  POSITIVE MINDSET COACHING - personal & business skills growth opportunities  image

❤️‍🔥BOB PROCTOR's❤️‍🔥 teachings give me
TRUE KNOWLEDGE of how to live happy life
without inhibiting you limitations,
are the best on Earth to apply into life
👌and It will be my honour to tell you more about them

- you can start from
joining one of monthly complimentary workshops
with replays and
🎁rewards🎁 for active attendance 🎁

commenced by my amazing and most generous mentor EWA PIETRZAK

🤗inviting Anna Kaczmarczyk🤗


If you want to change your life - you have to change yourself and this is biggest challenge
a challenge which you need a mentor who has gone through such change on own example
and succeeded now earning 7 figure earnings and heading for more!
She as everyone else is an ordinary person coming from Polish village in the mountains,
willing to get from life what she desires - and having strong will and ersistence - SHE MANAGES
to GET whatever she desires !

Every ordinary person can achieve EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS in every area of LIFE
- as long as you BELIEVE in YOURSELF and keeps being PERSISTENT and SYSTEMATIC in taking ''uncomfortable'' actions !
The COMFORT ZONE in which most of people get stuck - is a SUCCESS KILLER
and unfortunately many people do not manage to SUCCEED
without MENTORING and GUIDANCE of someone like EWA
who has experienced the same struggles in life
dared to take action and got mentored by one of BILLIONAIRES who shared with her
his knowledge where is the SECRET of GETTING HAPPY HEALTHY and IMMENSLY WEALTHY in life. 

Invest in your change - and your investment may let you abundant beyond your imagination

you will be so in love with yourself and with your life
that you will want to live such life over and over again

I have not made better decision than joining THINKING into RESULTS with Ewa Pietrzak
simply because no other PGI Consultant has ever offered me such a generous bounty within
self-development transformational program package !


FEEL WELCOMED to JOIN here costfree


BUSINESS PROJECT especially for those od you who are already engaged in an NETWORK ONINE BUSINESS


 to be develped 
offering INVESTING - there are few companies which I consider safe enough to cooperate with.
Let me present to you WHERE and WHO you can START to develop PASSIVE INCOME stream(s)
without need to look for clients - here you invest certain amount of money which will be systematically and gradually multiplying your initial invested amount.
This is CRYPTO investing and there are no GUERANTEES since we deal here with STOCK MARKET
so before you decide how much to invest - invest as much as will not affect your daily living expences. 
to be developed soon  ;)


Learn More
  • PLEASE LEAVE INITIAL message ON FB profile ANIA HANYSKA or CONTACT DETAILs provided in the links of COMPANIES' WEBSITEs (in which I am a REPRESENTATIVE) for a MEETING ONLINE (with video camera on)

All information - regarding MEMBERSHIP OPTIONS - is presented on landing pages' links provided Should you wish to know more regarding being a CLIENT or STARTING COOPERATION in any of BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES outlined